Our CSR strategy
- An evolution in our business that makes sense.
- Influence all our employees, these new eco-responsible ambassadors.
Our CSR strategy
- An evolution in our business that makes sense.
- Influence all our employees, these new eco-responsible ambassadors.
D&fi Groupe commitment
Reducing our carbon footprint & all our consumables
In addition to the objectives linked to the three pillars of sustainable development, D&fi Groupe sees many other advantages in intensifying its commitment to sustainable development, including :
- Anticipating constraints and preventing risks (social, ecological, legal, image).
- Strengthening pride of belonging internally.
- Improving thecompany's recruitmentappeal.
- Improving economic performance through innovation and opening up new markets.
- Consolidation of reputation, image and stakeholder loyalty.
- Reducing costs linked to resource consumption and waste production.
Whatever the diversity of its businesses and components, the same business ethics must be shared.
D&fi Groupe's values, which underpin our shared business ethics, are based on three principles of action:
- Proximity
- Liability
- Solidarity
Ensure long-term operational and financial performance, contribute to value creation by meeting customer expectations, while respecting mutual interests.
Social & societal
Promote employee skills development and well-being in the workplace, encourage diversity, and contribute to causes of general interest, notably through corporate philanthropy initiatives.
Limit the environmental impact of our activities (energy, paper, water, etc.), and choose partners who care about the environment.
Creation of the CSR department
A new department for new challenges
With this in mind, in 2022D&fi Groupe is creating a CSR Department with the following missions:
- Ensure the coordination and implementation of its sustainable development policy (impetus, information and communication, internal and external monitoring, coordination of cross-functional projects, follow-up of reporting actions...).
- Deploy a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) approach within the Group's companies and subsidiaries.
Chart production
Our commitments in black and white
These charters set out the Group's mission and values, its commitments on economic, social and environmental issues, and the rules of conduct or duties incumbent on employees.
- Drafting of an ethics charter.
- Drafting of an environmental charter.
- Drafting of a responsible purchasing charter.
- Drafting of a social policy charter.
- Make employees aware of the principles laid down in these guidelines and ensure that they are properly applied.
2024 results
Results to match our determination
We worked hard in 2023 to set up our new CSR department, to determine the actions to be taken and thus meet the first objectives at stake in the Ecovadis rating, which awarded us the bronze medal.
In 2024, we renewed our strong commitment with a constant improvement in our actions and the reward of a silver medal with our position in the top 15 out of 100.
The two players we approached, Ecovadis and Objectif CO2enable us to set achievable objectives in the short, medium and long term.
D&fi Groupe will soon be offering more low-carbon services to encourage our customers to choose more eco-responsible services.
- Overall score of 65/100.
- Environmental score of 70/100.
- Social score of 70/100.
- Ethical score of 50/100.
- Responsible purchasing score of 50/100.
Scores in 2024 that can only be improved in 2025.