Our CO2 targets
- Our deep commitment to CSR and the environment.
- Our CSR approach involves our employees, customers and suppliers.
Our CO2 targets
- Our deep commitment to CSR and the environment.
- Our CSR approach involves our employees, customers and suppliers.
Drastic reduction
Our carbon footprint & all our consumables
- Modernization of the vehicle fleet with electric vehicles.
- On-board vehicle telematics to optimize pick-up and delivery rounds.
- Eco-driving training for our drivers.
- Use of energy-saving consumables (lubricants, spare parts, etc.).
- Energy savings through the complete replacement of our office lighting system with LEDs.
- Choice of partners committed to reducing their carbon footprint and respecting the environment.
2025 targets
- 70% of purchases with eco-responsible products by 2025.
- Sorting 80% of our waste and consumables by 2025.
2030 targets
- 25% reduction in GHG emissions by 2030.
- Train 80% of our employees in eco-actions by 2030.
Reuse & recycle
Choosing & recycling our consumables
- Use of recycled and sustainable consumables.
- Raising staff awareness of useful and complete paper consumption.
- Collect and donate computer equipment, school supplies, books and clothing to charities for a second life.
- Use of rechargeable battery-powered equipment.
- Sorting and recycling our waste (paper, ink cartridges, plastics, etc.).
Raising employee awareness
Turning our employees into ambassadors
- Guide to good conduct and best practices within the company.
- Raising staff awareness of the use of individual heating and air-conditioning.
- Lighting awareness.
- Favoring environmentally-friendly modes of transport.
Results 2023
Results worthy of the challenge ahead
We have worked hard this year, 2023, to set up our new CSR department, to determine the actions to be taken and thus meet the first objectives at stake in the Ecovadis rating.
The two players we approached, Ecovadis and Objectif CO2enable us to set achievable objectives in the short, medium and long term.
From 2024, D&fi Groupe will be offering more carbon-free services to encourage our customers to make more eco-responsible service choices.
- Overall score of 55/100.
- Environmental score of 50/100.
- Social score of 60/100.
- Ethical score of 50/100.
- Responsible purchasing score of 50/100.
Scores in 2023 adapted to our activity, which can only be improved in 2024.