Logistics outsourcing in e-commerce

E-commerce: 8 essential steps for delegating logistics management

E-logistics is a central component in the success of an online sales site. Among the most important criteria that customers take into account when choosing an e-boutique are delivery times, exchange terms and return conditions. Optimizing logistics performance therefore becomes a powerful lever for differentiation and loyalty for this type of platform.Outsourcing logistics in e-commerce helps toimprove service levels,increase the efficiency of distribution channels andoptimize even the most complex goods flows. To get the most out of outsourcing logistics, it's essential to study the project in advance. Here's how to outsource your flow management process in 8 key steps.

1. Information system synchronization: a transitional stage

The logistics service provider needs to study your logistics process in detail in order to devise the best optimization strategy. This includes procurement, receiving, handling, storage, order picking, shipping, tracking and returns management.

This first step involves synchronizing the online store's databases with the logistics service provider's own information system. This interfacing is designed to ensure the smooth running of the supply chain. It enables e-tailers to manage their business, manage stock levels, track orders and consult sales figures instantly.

D&figroupe adapts its logistics outsourcing solutions to the needs of its customers. This is possible regardless of the marketplace platform you use: Prestashop, Magento, Shopify or even your own sales management tool.

2. Implementing a goods-in process: secure control

Receiving goods from suppliers requires the deployment of various human and material resources. Depending on the type of product ordered, a quantitative and qualitative check must be carried out. The aim is to detect any transport errors or damage. It is also necessary to take care of the administrative formalities involved in purchasing, and to physically and electronically store the pallets received.

Entrusting the inbound function to a professional e-logistician offers huge time and efficiency gains. The web company is relieved of a number of complex procedures that are beyond its control, while at the same time reducing processing times for incoming flows. This includes compliance with customs regulations, hygiene standards and good transport practices.

3. Optimizing inventory management: an essential lever for reducing logistics costs

Have you estimated the cost of holding goods in your warehouse? The larger your inventory and the lower your turnover rate, the more money you're spending unnecessarily. Nevertheless, having enough finished goods ready for dispatch is essential if you are to respond quickly to demand. So how do you strike the right balance?

To optimize inventory management, you can call on a logistics provider specialized in e-commerce. Thanks to its many secure storage spaces, it minimizes logistics expenses by rationalizing and pooling its resources between different customers. So you only pay for what you store, avoiding wasted space if you had to store in your own building. What's more, the logistics subcontractor is able to anticipate orders and plan supplies according to demand. This means you don't have to store large quantities unnecessarily, while offering your customers very short delivery times.

4. Order-picking planning and management: a means of increasing responsiveness

Keeping pace with the many orders arriving from an online store is often a challenge for e-tailers. They have to redouble their efforts during busy periods, sometimes recruiting temporary staff. This increases costs and makes management processes even more complex.

A logistics expert has the resources to handle large volumes in a short space of time. Experienced in parcel preparation, his teams can easily adapt to different demands thanks to specific tools and the latest technologies. The subcontractor ensures a very high level of service by carrying out checks at various stages of the logistics chain: at picking level, during packaging and on dispatch.

5. Guaranteeing safe, durable packaging: a necessity for e-commerce branding

Consumers are paying more and more attention toUnboxing. This is the moment when the package is opened. In addition to protecting the product, packaging is becoming an element of communication and a lever for building customer loyalty. Various companies are now investing in packaging that embodies their values as true ambassadors. In addition, packaging is both a logistical and a marketing element, demonstrating a brand's commitment to the environment.

To enjoy all the benefits of secure, durable packaging that's consistent with your vision, opt for personalization. Your logistics provider can supply you with packaging that's consistent or different to suit your products. By adapting size, volume and material, you can save money, reduce the use of unnecessary cushioning, or offer recyclable or compostable materials. It's also possible to create bespoke containers, featuring your brand or promoting a special event such as a new product launch. In short, the possibilities are endless and inexpensive when you team up with a logistics partner...

6. Transport organization: a crucial element for an online store

A logistics provider forges partnerships with various carriers, enabling it to obtain preferential rates which it passes on to its customers. They offer e-commerce customers a range of delivery options:

  • unit ;
  • of pallets ;
  • at a relay point ;
  • home delivery against signature ;
  • in bulky parcels ;
  • express ;
  • etc.

This cost saving is accentuated by the mutualization of transport. The e-logistician uses systems to optimize collection and delivery. He distributes the parcels of several customers at the same time. He then organizes his return flows to avoid returning empty and loading his vehicles to the maximum.

By delegating transport management, the e-commerce store also gains in efficiency. It avoids loss and damage during transit. When such incidents do occur, they are usually borne by the carrier.

7. Shipment tracking: an efficient external customer service

E-commerce customers need to be able to track the progress of their orders and receive quick answers to their questions. Entrusting this step to experienced professionals enables you to personalize your buyer experience, win the trust of consumers and build loyalty.

It also relieves you of all transport constraints and avoids delivery delays. A well-trained customer service team equipped with the right tools reacts very quickly to the slightest anomaly, even before the customer realizes it.

8. Returns management: a function not to be neglected!

Some e-tailers have made the returns function a fundamental component of their business model. They offer their customers the chance to take back items that don't suit them. This responds to the reluctance of some consumers to buy a product without touching it.

A logistics partner is essential for managing returns as quickly and efficiently as possible. Outsourcing logistics also helps to minimize the demands that increase a company's costs. This is to avoid delivering products damaged by handling, loading/unloading, storage in non-compliant conditions or transport.

E-commerce logistics outsourcing: what you need to know

Logistics outsourcing in e-commerce is emerging as an imperative to ensure competitiveness and customer satisfaction. The 8 steps outlined above, from information system synchronization to returns management, form a complete process enabling e-tailers to effectively delegate their logistics.

Working with specialized logistics partners offers substantial advantages such as inventory optimization, cost reduction, rapid delivery and proactive returns management. By entrusting these crucial components of their process to experts, online businesses can concentrate on their core business while delivering a memorable customer experience to their buyers.

In the final analysis, outsourcing logistics operations is much more than a simple operational delegation. It's a strategic way of guaranteeing service quality, reinforcing brand image and ensuring sustainable growth in the dynamic world of e-commerce. Opt for logistics outsourcing, free yourself from operational constraints and propel your e-boutique to new heights!

Contact our customer service department to design your logistics strategy now and boost your performance!

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